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Julia is a social anthropologist with a background in theatre, film, and media studies, specialising in material culture, critical museum and heritage studies.

Prof. Dr. Paul Basu
Founding Director of Global Heritage Lab, Professor of Anthropology University of Oxford, Curator at Pitt Rivers Museum
Paul is an anthropologist specialising in critical heritage, museum and material culture studies in transcultural contexts.
Sophia specialises in critical heritage, museum studies, and global challenges. Her research focuses on how heritage sites and museums can address some of the most pressing global challenges, including social justice, gender equality, food security, or sustainable development.
J. Kelechi Ugwuanyi's research interests include critical heritage studies, museums, indigenous knowledge systems, cultural landscapes, and contemporary archaeology.
Alejandro's research interests cover transdisciplinary fields such as political ecology, ecological economics and critical development studies and address the social, political and cultural effects of extractivism, climate change, and socio-ecological transformation.
Aline is the research manager of the Global Heritage Lab, supporting the team in all aspects of research coordination and management.
Emila is the research manager of the Global Heritage Lab, supporting the team in all aspects of research coordination and management.
Eleonora Grammatikou's research interests include museum studies, postcolonial and critical heritage studies as well as queer and gender studies.
Joanne is a Doctoral Research Fellow working with the Argelander Professor for Critical Museum and Heritage Studies.
William's research based at the Global Heritage Lab explores the restitution of knowledge held in colonial anthropological archives.
Yohannes M. Mekonnen is a Visual Anthropology Fellow at the Global Heritage Lab. Alongside his research in visual and media anthropology, he is responsible for producing audio-visual ethnographies and promoting their integration as research methodologies into both fieldwork and academic projects.
Cihan is the assistant of Jun.-Prof. Julia Binter and supports her in all aspects of her work by conducting literature research, project and teaching assistance. His research interest lie within the triangle of art history, museology and decolonization.
As a student assistant, Dana supports Jun.-Prof. Julia Binter in various aspects (project administration and literature research). Dana's main areas of interest are new materialism, posthumanism, decolonial theory, identity and spatial studies in transculturality.
As a research assistant for the Confronting Colonial Pasts, Envisioning Creative Futures Project, Luisa supports Jun.-Prof. Julia Binter in the publication process for the project as well as the press work.
Helen supports the Global Heritage Lab team in all administrative processes and serves as the link between them and the general university administration.
Nana studied Education, History and German as a Foreign Language. Since 2023, she has been supporting Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Binter and the Global Heritage team with administrative issues.
Tobias is a researcher interested in the global metal trade of the later medieval and early modern era, especially in the transatlantic economies, the European trade with West Africa and the plantation economies of the America.
As a curator and cultural historian focusing on Africa and South Asia, Malika specialises in critical museum, heritage, disability and material culture studies.
Guillermo's research focuses on transdisciplinary and applied studies on development critiques, with an emphasis on ecological and solidarity economy, landscape production, governance, and tourism.
Gustavo is a researcher and environmental legal consultant at the NGO Corporation for Support to Popular Communities (Codacop) in Bogotá, Colombia, where he engages with local communities to support sustainable development initiatives through legal frameworks.
Marcela is a transdisciplinary researcher who engages the uniqueness, complexity and completeness of Colombian indigenous peoples’ worldviews and epistemologies and how these are 'woven' in current contexts, particularly regarding the hybridisation of social practices as the defense strategies of cultures, natures and territories.
Thecla engages in transdisciplinary research that cuts across the fields of geography, heritage studies, and environmental management. Her core research interests include climate change and sustainable livelihoods, ecotourism, disaster risk management, indigenous knowledge, food systems transformation, natural resources and sustainable development, and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
Ebere is a lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and a post-doctoral research fellow at Aberystwyth Business School, Aberystwyth University Wales, UK. There he works on the NERC-funded project ‘Understanding nature’s multiple values for integration into decisions’.