Dr. Thecla I. Akukwe
Email: thecla.akukwe@unn.edu.ng
I engage in transdisciplinary research that cuts across the fields of geography, heritage studies, and environmental management. My core research interests include climate change and sustainable livelihoods, ecotourism, disaster risk management, indigenous knowledge, food systems transformation, natural resources and sustainable development, and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
As a guest scholar at the Global Heritage Lab, my research examines the adaptation of indigenous communities to climate change and other disasters, the integration of indigenous knowledge in Disaster Risk Management and climate emergency response, and maps heritage and its implication in enhancing biodiversity management in Africa.
I am a senior lecturer in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability (GES), a Research Fellow at the Institute of Climate Change, Economic Policy and Innovation (CCEPI), and the Resource and Environmental Policy Research Centre (REFRC), University of Nigeria, Nsukka. I obtained a BSc and an MSc in Geography and Environmental Management from the University of Nigeria, and hold a PhD in Environmental Planning and Management from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. I also hold certificates in Flood Risk Management and Environmental Planning and Implementation from the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands.
Oluoko-Odingo, A.A., Akukwe, T.I., Asaka, J.O., Mba, L.C., Mba, C.C., Okwueze, F.O., Okonkwo, U.T., Onyekwelu, C.A., Nwodo, M.N. and Nnoli, C.I. (2024). Food security governance: Taming the endemic starvation for peace and sustainable development in Africa. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND), 24(6), 26659-26677. https://doi.org/10.18697/ajfand.131.24745
Onyekwelu, C.A., Mba, C.L., Ikwechegh, E., Nwosu, I.G., Akukwe, T.I., Asuoha, C.G., Okafor, U.P., Nnoli, C.I. and Ossai, O.G. (2024). GIS-Based site suitability study of rice farm location in Bende Local Government Area, Abia State. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND), 24(5), 26312-26332. https://doi.org/10.18697/ajfand.130.24085
Akukwe, T.I., Mba, C.L., Ossai, O.G. and Oluoko-Odingo, A.A. (2023), “Impacts of flooding on agriculture and food security in developing countries: Evidence from Southeastern Nigeria”, Oladokun, V., Proverbs, D., Adebimpe, O. and Adedeji, D. (Eds) Handbook of Flood Risk Management in Developing Countries, Taylor and Francis, pp. 24-40. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80117-686-620221024
Akukwe, T.I., Ossai, O.G., Oluoko-Odingo, A.A. and Nwankwo, C.F. (2023). Flood- induced Food insecurity and coping strategies: A gender-based analysis of agrarian households in South-eastern Nigeria. GeoScape, 17(1), 20-33. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/geosc-2023-0002
Ihinegbu, C., Mönnich, S., Akukwe, T.I. (2023). Scientific Evidence for the Effectiveness of Mangrove Forests in Reducing Floods and Associated Hazards in Coastal Areas. Climate, 11(4), 79. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli11040079
Akukwe, T.I., Oluoko-Odingo, A.A. and Krhoda G.O. (2020). Do floods affect food security? A before-and-after comparative study of flood-affected households’ food security status in South-Eastern Nigeria. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 47(47), 115-131. https://doi.org/10.2478/bog-2020-0007
Akukwe, T.I. (2020). Household food security and its determinants in Agrarian communities of Southeastern Nigeria. Agro-Science, 19 (1), 54-60. DOI:10.4314/as.v19i1.9
Akukwe, T.I. and Ogbodo, C. (2015). Spatial Analysis of Vulnerability to Flooding in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria. SAGE Open 5(1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244015575558
Nzeadibe, T.C, Ajaero, K.C., Okonkwo, E.E., Okpoko, P.U., Akukwe, T.I. and Njoku-Tony, R.F. (2015). Integrating Community Perceptions and Cultural Diversity in Social Impact Assessment in Nigeria. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 55, 74-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2015.07.005
Acheampong, E.N., Ozor, N. and Akukwe, T.I. (2015). Achieving Sustainable Development through Low carbon Pathway in Africa. 5th Climate Change and Development Conference in Africa (CCDA-V), Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 28-30 October. http://www.climdev-africa.org/sites/default/files/ccda-v-doc/Ernest%20Nti%20Acheampong.pdf
Akukwe, T.I. and Odum, C.J. (2014). Designing and Developing a GIS Database for Tourism in Nigeria: The Case of Anambra State. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 19 (11), 109-120
Ajaero, C.K., Akukwe, T.I. and Asuoha, G.C (2009). Climate Change: Concepts and Issues. In Anyadike, R.N.C., Madu, I.A. and Ajaero, C.K. (Eds.). Climate Change and the Nigerian Environment. Jamoe Enterprises (Nigeria), Enugu, pp1 -17