Podcast on “How museums can dismantle colonial perceptions”

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Binter talks about knowledge justice and Namibian cultural assets Junior Professor Dr Julia Binter investigates cooperative research on cultural assets from colonial contexts in museums. She accompanies the restitution of cultural assets from Germany to Namibia with the question: How can knowledge creation in museums and cultural heritage be made more sustainable […]

Hybrid Workshop Series on “Contested Monuments” continues on 17 June 2024

The workshop series aims to critically examine new approaches to monumentality and to consider whether and how they challenge, re-imagine and transform wider issues of social justice, representation, identities, nation-building, participation, history, democracy, and memory. The series intends to provide a comprehensive and global approach, with case studies from around the globe. ©Image: Senya Zhukavin

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Researcher in the News

Several campaigns have been waged against statues linked to Africa’s colonial past. Rodger ©Bosch/Getty Images

As part of her Professorial Fellowship at the Global Heritage Lab, funded by the Humboldt Foundation and Thyssen Foundation, Prof. Dr. Sophia Labadi has published an article on ‘Colonial Statues in Post-colonial Africa’ in the International Journal of Heritage Studies. A revised version of this article has been published in French in the newspaper AfriqueXXI and […]

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Hybrid Workshop Series on “Contested Monuments” continues on 15 May 2024

Convened by Prof. Dr. Paul Basu and Prof. Dr. Sophia Labadi The workshop series aims to critically examine new approaches to monumentality and to consider whether and how they challenge, re-imagine and transform wider issues of social justice, representation, identities, nation-building, participation, history, democracy, and memory. The series intends to provide a comprehensive and global […]

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Call for Participation: Pluriversal Dialogues on Environmental Ethics

Call for Participation Pluriversal Dialogues on Environmental Ethics: Decolonising Scientific Practice for Futures Beyond ‘Development’ Date: 21-24 May, 2024Venue: Center for Life Ethics, University of Bonn We are inviting researchers from TRA 4 and TRA 5 with a particular interest in or research focus on the global south, environmental ethics, education and/or research, (critical) development […]

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“Invisible Cultural Connections” – Interview with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Binter (in German)

A conversation with Julia Binter about what is missing in the photographic collection of the Kunsthistorisches Institut Bonn In this interview, Julia Binter, Argelander Professor of Critical Museum and Heritage Studies, explains the limitedness of the Eurocentric canon in art history and points out the importance of the often overlooked intercultural exchange that shaped European […]

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“Trends in Postcolonial Provenance Research in Germany” – Talk by Dr. Julia Binter (23.03.2024)

Symposium “THE LAST GERMAN EMPEROR’S COLONIAL ART” Saturday 23rd March 2024 On Saturday the 23rd of March 2024, Museum Huis Doorn will host a symposium focused on colonial art belonging to the last German emperor Wilhelm II. The symposium will be held in English. Provenance ResearchIn line with a broader development in the cultural sector, […]

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Hybrid Workshop Series on “Contested Monuments” starts on 11 March 2024

Convened by Prof. Dr. Paul Basu and Prof. Dr. Sophia Labadi The workshop series aims to critically examine new approaches to monumentality and whether and how they challenge, re-imagine and transform wider issues of social justice, representation, identities, nation-building, participation, history, democracy, and memory. The series intends to provide a comprehensive and global approach, with […]

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