Call for expressions of interest for graphic designers – deadline 12 February 2025

Bonn, 27 January 2025. As part of the project Confronting Colonial Pasts, Envisioning Creative Futures (CCP, ECF), the project partner institutions in Namibia and Germany are developing a publication. The CCP, ECF project is, to date, the largest collaborative research, exhibition and restitution project in which cultural belongings have been returned from Germany to Namibia.

For the graphic concept and idea sketches for this publication, the partners in Namibia (the Museums Association of Namibia; the National Museum of Namibia; the Directorate of National Heritage and Culture Programmes in the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture; the University of Namibia; the National Art Gallery of Namibia) and in Germany (the Ethnological Museum in Berlin; the Global Heritage Lab of the University of Bonn; the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) have recently opened a call for expression of interest for graphic designers.

More information on the application process is available at

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