Hybrid Workshop Series on “Contested Monuments” starts on 11 March 2024

Session 1 – 11 March 2024
Tagungsraum des Internationalen Zentrums für Philosophie NRW (IZPH), Poppelsdorfer Allee 28

Convened by Prof. Dr. Paul Basu and Prof. Dr. Sophia Labadi

The workshop series aims to critically examine new approaches to monumentality and whether and how they challenge, re-imagine and transform wider issues of social justice, representation, identities, nation-building, participation, history, democracy, and memory. The series intends to provide a comprehensive and global approach, with case studies from around the globe.

Day 1 – 11 March 2024
At the University of Bonn: Tagungsraum des Internationalen Zentrums für Philosophie NRW (IZPH), Poppelsdorfer Allee 28.

Online: Please register by 07 March 2024 at globalheritagelab@uni-bonn.de.

Session 1: 10:00-12:00 CET
Moderator: Sophia Labadi

10:00-10:20  Julia Binter (University of Bonn) Paul Basu (University of Oxford, UK)  Introduction to the workshop series, overview of current debates, introduction to Workshop 1, Session 1
10:20-10:40  Zehra Betül Atasoy (Kadir Has University, Turkey)A second statue of the ‘Number Two’: İnönü’s showcase of power in Taksim, Istanbul and the statue’s aftermath
10:40-11:00  Reem Furjani
(Managing Director, Scene: Culture and Heritage)
The de-monumenting and re-monumenting of a colonial symbol in the Medina of Tripoli, Libya
11:00-11:20Leonor Rosas (University of Lisbon, Portugal)Toppling the colonial, building the decolonial: memorialization struggles in the city of Lisbon
11:20-11:40Camila Opazo Sepúlveda (University of Barcelona, Spain)Dispute over historical memory in Barcelona. Hegemonic narratives and artistic counter-narratives around the Christopher Columbus monument
11:40-12:00Discussant-led Q&A

Session 2: 15:00-17:10 CET
Moderator: Alejandro Mora Motta

15:00-15:10  Sophia Labadi (University of Kent, UK)Introduction to Workshop 1, Session 2
15:10-15:30  Cristina Meneguello (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil)Urban fallism in Brazil: the struggle against monuments and invisibilities in the public space
15:30-15:50  Catherine Lawless (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)‘It doesn’t belong here’: A discourse analysis of the dispute surrounding the Canadian Monument to the Victims of Communism
15:50-16:10Steve 4 Tu (University of Toronto, Canada)Contested monuments on the Canadian university campus: a digital ethnography
16:10-16:30  Carmit Wolberg (Ben Gurion University, Israel)Progressive and regressive in motion: The frontlash/backlash dynamic of Edward Colston’s statue toppling
16:30-16:50  Craig Lamont (University of Glasgow)Contesting Glasgow’s memory: George Square and the Merchant City
16:50-17:10Discussant-led Q&A